Friday 18 January 2013

Sleep Apnea Therapy | Health Eagle

Sleep Apnea Therapy

by Dean Heller MD January 18th, 2013 |

sickMy husband keeps me up at night with his loud snoring; he practically shakes the house. A friend of mine told me that her husband uses a mask at night, and this completely eliminates his snoring, and as a bonus, he is less tired and cranky during the day. Can anyone buy this mask, and what is it?

Your friend?s husband likely has obstructive sleep apnea, which is a condition that causes you to stop breathing for short periods of time while you are sleeping. It interrupts sleep, and causes people to be tired during the day. People that snore loudly very commonly have sleep apnea, so your husband may have the condition as well. A mask that provides a small amount of positive pressure to the air can help this tremendously. This does require a doctor to test him for the condition with what is called a sleep study.

Here is a short video that describes CPAP-continuous positive airway pressure, which is how the mask works.

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